Image depicting progression of age

Aging and Immunity Workshop

The Gene Lay Institute Aging and Immunity program held its inaugural Scientific Workshop on April 5, 2024 in the Wolf Conference Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

The Workshop was opened by program leaders Francisco Quintana, PhD and Marcia Haigis PhD, who expressed gratitude to Dr. Gene Lay for making the event possible. Drs. Quintana and Haigis then welcomed the Workshop speakers, pioneering leaders in the field whose work addresses shifts in the immune response throughout the aging process and new tools in which to study them:

    • Maria Mittelbrunn, PhD, Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, Madrid
      Talk Title: Decoding the contribution of the Immune system to Aging

    • Marco Colonna, MD, Washington University School of Medicine
      Talk Title: TREM and LILR myeloid receptors in Neurodegeneration and Cancer

    • Janelle S. Ayres, PhD, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
      Talk Title: Host defense strategies against infections

    • Evan Macosko, MD, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital, Broad Institute
      Talk Title: A Unifying Platform for Spatial Genomics

Following their presentations, the “Immunology of Aging” workshop speakers participated in a panel-style Q+A to related to their individual research and shared insights across their bodies of work.

The poster session featured exciting and innovative research from trainees across the Boston scientific community. The event concluded with a trainee lunch in which poster presenters conversed with the speakers and Gene Lay Institute leaders about their science and career plans.


We extend our sincere gratitude to the speakers, poster presenters, and attendees who made our inaugural workshop a lively and scientifically stimulating event.


Planning for our next workshop is underway. Check back here for updates and more information

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